When to contact the Board of Examiners

The programme offers students a lot of freedom, but some choices require prior permission from the Board of Examiners. Students need to contact the Board of Examiners for any study programme choice that deviates from the provisions in the OER and R&R of the programme. These choice include the following:

  • research project outside of the LIC for Chemistry students
  • research project outside of the LIC, LUMC, LACDR, IBL, NKI or ErasmusMC for LST students
  • elective theoretical courses abroad
  • changes to the allowed order of components, such as performing a minor project before the major project
  • masterplan with core course choices outside of the listed core courses
  • course exemptions to the programme

All requests to the Board of Examiners should include a masterplan and a motivation letter.

The study adviser can advise students about which choices require prior permission. Students are also always welcome to consult the secretary of the Board of Examiners via excie_msc_chem_lst@lic.leidenuniv.nl