Programme committee

The programme committee represents the opinion of all students and staff on the educational programmes offered. The committee is a joint committee as the closely related programmes MSc Chemistry and MSc Life Science and Technology share many educational aspects. The programme committee can be reached via email:

In the programme committee many aspects of the programs are discussed and surveys of individual courses are reviewed. Changes in the programme and procedures and new initiatives are often initiated by discussions in the programme committee. Every year in the fall the student representation is renewed. In addition to the chosen student members, the assessors of the study associations CDL and SV Life also attend the meetings. The committee provides important feedback for the programme directors, who regularly attend the meetings.

Composition of the programme committee (staff)

Staff members on the committee

Dr. Grégory Schneider (chair)
Dr. Katharina Doblhoff-Dier
Dr. Sebastian Geibel

Life Science and Technology:
Dr. Stephan Hacker (chair)
Dr. Zach Armstrong
Dr. Marta Artola Perez de Azanza

Composition of the programme committee (student representation)

Lisa Hunink
Dogucan Yilmaz
Femke Oldenburger
Floris van der Werf
Thomas Smit
Lauren van IJll

Nienke van Alkemade, Assessor SV Life;
Mark Tadema, Assessor CDL;
Margot Tjalma; administrative secretary of the Programme Committee