After completion of the MSc programme students will receive their diploma. However, graduation requires some planning, starting at least two months before the desired graduation date! It is the student's own responsibility to keep track of all their grades (courses and research projects) and make sure everything is registered correctly in uSis and MyStudyMap.
The primary contact for the MSc programmes Chemistry and LST is the Science Student Administration (SSA) at Emails can be sent in Dutch or English.
The formal certification date (i.e. the date printed on the diploma) is the last working day of the month in which a student completes the last study component of the MSc programme. After certification, the formal graduation ceremony can be scheduled on the next available graduation date. The graduation dates are listed in the graduation calendar. Graduates do not need to be enrolled as a student on the date of the graduation ceremony.
Important notice for graduations in the summer: In the summer, fewer colloquia and Thesis Talks are held. Students are advised to complete the attendance requirements in time! They should also realise that many staff members go on holiday and to conferences in the summer, which means it will be more difficult to assemble supervisors and jury members. Start planning a colloquium or Thesis Talk well in advance!