Approval for an external research project

Internal major and minor projects (within the LIC) are always allowed, but some external projects require prior approval from the Board of Examiners.

LST students do not need approval to perform a major or minor project at one of the associated institutes (LACDR, IBL, LUMC, NKI and ErasmusMC). Other external major projects are not allowed. External minor projects for Chemistry students or external minor projects at other locations than listed above for LST students require prior approval from the Board of Examiners. Students can request this approval with the form on this page. A decision can take up to a month to obtain, so students are encouraged to apply on time.

A request should contain the fully filled in application form with the required appendices and should be submitted by e-mail to the Board of Examiners  (

If the company you work with requires an NDA or CDA, the standerd contract can be found at the end of this page. For a signature from the Institute, contact the Education Director at or
