News & announcements

Lustrum Master Excursion 2025!

We are excited to invite you to the Lustrum Master Excursion 2025 to Essen! The trip will take place from Friday, March 14th , to Sunday, March 16th .

Thesis prize for Marouane

Former MSc Chemistry student Marouane El Boujadayni has won the Nijbakker-Morra student award for his thesis! The award is a prize for students who have conducted excellent fundamental or applied cancer research during their research internship.

Potluck dinner 10 February

On Monday the 10th of February, the MaCo will organize a potluck dinner. During this dinner, we want your help: bring your favourite dish and share it with your fellow students. And if you are studying abroad or have origins in another country, we would love to taste a dish from that kitchen too!

News & announcements