Workshop: Communicating in the climate debate as a scientist

Sustainability at the LIC
Thursday 17 Oct 2024
16:00 - 18:00

Conversations about the climate crisis can be polarising and frustrating. In this second edition of Sustainability at the LIC, we will learn with science communicators Kaelin DeLong (VU) and Maxime Gerber (VU, UvA) how to combine the complex and evolving nature of science and eco-emotions into a fruitful dialogue. Both students and staff from the LIC are invited to learn together at the workshop, and connect on this relevant topic with a drink and some (vegan) snacks afterwards!
Sign up via the following link: (registration is not mandatory, but we would like to know how many people to expect!).
Greetings from Bibiana (MSc), Laurens (PhD), Nicolas (postdoc), Marten (PhD), and Shitah (PhD)