Workshop Presentation Skills (May 27 and June 3)

WORK event
Monday 27 May 2024
15:15 - 16:15
Event link

Given by Hilde Zwaan (based on her experience in giving presentations at press events within her job at Procter & Gamble).

In Dutch: Wednesday, May 15 and May 22, starting at 15.15 in room BM2.20.
In English: Monday May 27 and June 3, starting at 15.15 in room BM2.20.
maximum 7 participants

This is for students who want to learn how to present with more confidence and enthusiasm. Giving a presentation in front of a large audience can be very stressful. This workshop will give you some tools on how you can present in a confident, passionate, but also authentic manner. In the first session I will explain some tools and tricks. In the following week you will prepare a short presentation based on a previous research project. In the second session you will practice your presentation skills and receive feedback from your peers (other participants).

For more information: Link